Flower Moon Offering
May 2023 art show | Xochi the Dog Café - Oakland, CA
Curated by Melinda Sterne
As a visual artist currently working in film production, Abby’s curiosity for cinema is rooted in portrait photography that she started practicing during high school. Before this time, she was eager to learn how to speak the language spoken at the dinner table and spent a year in her parents’ hometown of Lucena in Quezon, Philippines when she was thirteen. Attending 9th grade at ISBB, visiting again when she was nineteen, and returning this past winter, Abby is continuing to re-member, re-stitch, re-live experiences of home-ness and is unraveling these curiosities through art, business, and education. The photographs from this collection were taken with a Canon 6D Mark II and Nikkor AI-S 50mm.